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Only 10 days and counting until we kick off the 11th Annual Californios Ranch Roping and Stock Horse Contest! Advance Weekend Pass Tickets are still available on-line until Friday, April 23 at 5pm PST. Tickets will then only be available at the door!
" The entries are in and all indications are we are going to have a spectacular roping this year. We are looking forward to our new venue, the state of the art Reno Livestock Event Center. This new venue features a climate controlled experience for Californios attendees, an expanded trade show and a great host hotel in the Silver Legacy Casino Resort. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and celebrating the grandest and the humblest of lifestyles- the Great Basin Buckaroo and old California Vaquero. Join us!"
Regards, Gwynn Turnbull Weaver
For all the latest information please visit our website: www.thecalifornios.com


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